Tamar H. Gollan
- Weissberger G.H., Gollan T.H., Bondi M.W., Nation D.A., Hansen L.A., Galasko D., Salmon D.P. (2019). Neuropsychological Deficit Profiles, Vascular Risk Factors, and Neuropathological Findings in Hispanic Older Adults with Autopsy-Confirmed Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis, 67(1), 291-302.
- Schotter ER, Li C, Gollan T (2018). What Reading Aloud Reveals about Speaking: Regressive saccades implicate a failure to monitor, not inattention, in the prevalence of intrusion errors on function words. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove).
- Segal D, Stasenko A, Gollan TH (2018). More evidence that a switch is not (always) a switch: Binning bilinguals reveals dissociations between task and language switching. J Exp Psychol Gen.
- Gollan TH, Goldrick M. (2018). Aging deficits in naturalistic speech production and monitoring revealed through reading aloud. Psychol Aging.
- Segal D, Gollan TH (2018). What's left for balanced bilinguals? Language proficiency and item familiarity affect left-hemisphere specialization in metaphor processing. Neuropsychology.
- Li C, Gollan TH (2018). Cognates interfere with language selection but enhance monitoring in connected speech. Mem Cognit.
- Reyes A, Paul BM, Marshall A, Chang YA, Bahrami N, Kansal L, Iragui VJ, Tecoma ES, Gollan TH, McDonald CR (2018). Does bilingualism increase brain or cognitive reserve in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy? Epilepsia.
- Kleinman D, Gollan TH (2018). Inhibition accumulates over time at multiple processing levels in bilingual language control. Cognition. 2018; 173:115-132.
- Zlatar ZZ, Muniz MC, Espinoza SG, Gratianne R, Gollan TH, Galasko D, Salmon DP (2018). Subjective Cognitive Decline, Objective Cognition, and Depression in Older Hispanics Screened for Memory Impairment. J Alzheimers Dis.; 63(3):949-956.
- Li C, Gollan TH (2018). Cognates interfere with language selection but enhance monitoring in connected speech. Mem Cognit.
- Reyes A, Paul BM, Marshall A, Chang YA, Bahrami N, Kansal L, Iragui VJ, Tecoma ES, Gollan TH, McDonald CR. (2018). Does bilingualism increase brain or cognitive reserve in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy? Epilepsia.
- Kleinman D, Gollan TH (2018). Inhibition accumulates over time at multiple processing levels in bilingual language control. Cognition.
- Zlatar ZZ, Muniz MC, Espinoza SG, Gratianne R, Gollan TH, Galasko D, Salmon DP. (2018). Subjective Cognitive Decline, Objective Cognition, and Depression in Older Hispanics Screened for Memory Impairment. J Alzheimers Dis, 63(3), 949-956.
- Gollan TH, Goldrick M. (2018). A switch is not a switch: Syntactically-driven bilingual language control. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn., 44(1), 143-156.
- Li C, Gollan TH (2017). Cognates Facilitate Switches and Then Confusion: Contrasting Effects of Cascade Versus Feedback on Language Selection. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn.
- Gollan T, Stasenko A, Li C, Salmon DP. (2017). Bilingual language intrusions and other speech errors in Alzheimer's disease. Brain Cogn, 118, 27-44.
- Stasenko A, Matt GE, Gollan T. (2017). A relative bilingual advantage in switching with preparation: Nuanced explorations of the proposed association between bilingualism and task switching. J Exp Psychol Gen, 146(11), 1527-1550.
- Li C, Goldrick M, Gollan T. (2017). Bilinguals' twisted tongues: Frequency lag or interference? Mem Cognit., 45(4), 600-610.
- Ivanova, I., Ferreira, V. S., & Gollan, T. H. (2017). Form overrides meaning when bilinguals monitor for errors. Journal of Memory and Language, 94, 75-102.
- Gollan T, Goldrick M. (2016).Grammatical Constraints on Language Switching: Language Control is not Just Executive Control. J Mem Lang., 90, 177-199.
- Kleinman D, Gollan T. (2016). Speaking Two Languages for the Price of One: Bypassing Language Control Mechanisms via Accessibility-Driven Switches. Psychol Sci., 27(5), 700-14.
- Ivanova I, Murillo M, Montoya RI, Gollan T. (2016). Does Bilingual Language Control Decline in Older Age? Linguist Approaches Biling, 6(1-2), 86-118.
- Emmorey K, Giezen MR, Gollan T. (2016). Insights from bimodal bilingualism: Reply to commentaries. Biling (Camb Engl)., 19(2), 261-263.
- Emmorey K, Giezen MR, Gollan T. (2016). Psycholinguistic, cognitive, and neural implications of bimodal bilingualism. Biling (Camb Engl)., 19(2), 223-242.
- Tao L, Taft M, Gollan T. (2015). The Bilingual Switching Advantage: Sometimes Related to Bilingual Proficiency, Sometimes Not. J Int Neuropsychol Soc., 21(7), 531-44.
- Gollan, T. H., Starr, J., & Ferreira, V. S. (2015). More than use it or lose it: The number of speakers effect on heritage language proficiency. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 147-155.
- Weissberger GH, Gollan T, Bondi MW, Clark LR, Wierenga CE. (2015). Language and task switching in the bilingual brain: Bilinguals are staying, not switching, experts. Neuropsychologia, 66, 193-203.
- Gollan T, Kleinman D, Wierenga CE. (2014). What's easier: doing what you want, or being told what to do? Cued versus voluntary language and task switching. J Exp Psychol Gen., 143(6), 2167-95.
- Ivanova I, Salmon DP, Gollan T. (2014). Which language declines more? longitudinal versus cross-sectional decline of picture naming in bilinguals with Alzheimer's disease. J Int Neuropsychol Soc., 20(5), 534-46.
- Sheng L, Lu Y, Gollan T. (2014). Assessing language dominance in Mandarin-English bilinguals: Convergence and divergence between subjective and objective measures. Biling (Camb Engl)., 17(2), 364-383.
- Suarez PA, Gollan T, Heaton R, Grant I, Cherner M. (2014). Second-language fluency predicts native language stroop effects: evidence from Spanish-English bilinguals. J Int Neuropsychol Soc., 20(3), 342-8.
- Wardlow L, Ivanova I, Gollan T. (2014). The cognitive mechanisms underlying perspective taking between conversational partners: evidence from speakers with Alzheimer?s disease. Neuropsychologia, 56, 184-95.
- Gollan T, Ferreira VS, Cera C, Flett S. (2014). Translation-priming effects on tip-of-the-tongue states. Lang Cogn Process, 29(3), 278-288.
- Gollan T, Schotter ER, Gomez J, Murillo M, Rayner K. (2014). Multiple levels of bilingual language control: evidence from language intrusions in reading aloud. Psychol Sci., 25(2), 585-95.
- Kang SH, Gollan T, Pashler H. (2013). Don't just repeat after me: retrieval practice is better than imitation for foreign vocabulary learning. Psychon Bull Rev., 20(6), 1259-65.
- Runnqvist E, Gollan T, Costa A, Ferreira VS. (2013). A disadvantage in bilingual sentence production modulated by syntactic frequency and similarity across languages. Cognition, 129(2), 256-63.
- Prior A, Gollan T. (2013). The elusive link between language control and executive control: A case of limited transfer. J Cogn Psychol (Hove)., 25(5), 622-645.
- Van Assche E, Duyck W, Gollan T. (2013). Whole-language and item-specific control in bilingual language production. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn., 39(6), 1781-92.
- Weissberger GH, Salmon DP, Bondi MW, Gollan T. (2013). Which neuropsychological tests predict progression to Alzheimer's disease in Hispanics? Neuropsychology, 27(3), 343-55.
- Ivanova I, Salmon DP, Gollan T. (2013). The multilingual naming test in Alzheimer's disease: clues to the origin of naming impairments. J Int Neuropsychol Soc., 19(3), 272-83.
- Emmorey K, Petrich JA, Gollan T. (2013). Bimodal bilingualism and the frequency-lag hypothesis. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ., 18(1), 1-11.
- Gollan T, Goldrick M. (2012). Does bilingualism twist your tongue? Cognition, 125(3), 491-7.
- Antón-Méndez I, Schütze CT, Champion MK, Gollan T. (2012). What the tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) says about homophone frequency inheritance. Mem Cognit., 40(5), 802-11.
- Gollan T, Weissberger GH, Runnqvist E, Montoya RI, Cera CM. (2012). Self-ratings of Spoken Language Dominance: A Multi-Lingual Naming Test (MINT) and Preliminary Norms for Young and Aging Spanish-English Bilinguals. Biling (Camb Engl)., 15(3), 594-615.
- Weissberger GH, Wierenga CE, Bondi MW, Gollan T. (2012). Partially overlapping mechanisms of language and task control in young and older bilinguals. Psychol Aging, 27(4), 959-74.
- Emmorey K, Petrich J, Gollan T. (2012). Bilingual processing of ASL-English code-blends: The consequences of accessing two lexical representations simultaneously. J Mem Lang., 67(1), 199-210.
- Kamat R, Ghate M, Gollan T, Meyer R, Vaida F, Heaton RK, Letendre S, Franklin D, Alexander T, Grant I, Mehendale S, Marcotte TD. (2012). Effects of Marathi-Hindi bilingualism on neuropsychological performance. J Int Neuropsychol Soc., 18(2), 305-13.
- Gollan T, Salmon DP, Montoya RI, Galasko DR. (2011). Degree of bilingualism predicts age of diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in low-education but not in highly educated Hispanics. Neuropsychologia, 49(14), 3826-30.
- Gollan T, Sandoval T, Salmon DP. (2011). Cross-language intrusion errors in aging bilinguals reveal the link between executive control and language selection. Psychol Sci, 22(9), 1155-64.
- Prior A, Gollan T. (2011). Good language-switchers are good task-switchers: evidence from Spanish-English and Mandarin-English bilinguals. J Int Neuropsychol Soc., 17(4), 682-91.
- Gollan T, Slattery TJ, Goldenberg D, Van Assche E, Duyck W, Rayner K. (2011). Frequency drives lexical access in reading but not in speaking: the frequency-lag hypothesis. J Exp Psychol Gen., 140(2), 186-209.
- Silverberg NB, Ryan LM, Carrillo MC, Sperling R, Petersen RC, Posner HB, Snyder PJ, Hilsabeck R, Gallagher M, Raber J, Rizzo A, Possin K, King J, Kaye J, Ott BR, Albert MS, Wagster MV, Schinka JA, Cullum CM, Farias ST, Balota D, Rao S, Loewenstein D, Budson AE, Brandt J, Manly JJ, Barnes L, Strutt A, Gollan T, Ganguli M, Babcock D, Litvan I, Kramer JH, Ferman TJ. (2011). Assessment of cognition in early dementia. Alzheimers Dement., 7(3), e60-e76.
- Antón-Méndez I, Gollan T. (2010). Not just semantics: strong frequency and weak cognate effects on semantic association in bilinguals. Mem Cognit., 38(6), 723-39.
- Gollan T, Salmon DP, Montoya RI, da Pena E. (2010). Accessibility of the nondominant language in picture naming: a counterintuitive effect of dementia on bilingual language production. Neuropsychologia, 48(5), 1356-66.
- Bialystok E, Craik FI, Green DW, Gollan T. (2009). Bilingual Minds. Psychol Sci Public Interest, 10(3), 89-129.
- Pyers JE, Gollan T, Emmorey K. (2009). Bimodal bilinguals reveal the source of tip-of-the-tongue states. Cognition, 112(2), 323-9.
- Gollan T, Ferreira VS. (2009). Should I stay or should I switch? A cost-benefit analysis of voluntary language switching in young and aging bilinguals. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn., 35(3), 640-65.
- Rivera Mindt M, Arentoft A, Kubo Germano K, D'Aquila E, Scheiner D, Pizzirusso M, Sandoval TC, Gollan T. (2008). Neuropsychological, cognitive, and theoretical considerations for evaluation of bilingual individuals. Neuropsychol Rev., 18(3), 255-68.
- Gollan T, Montoya RI, Cera C, Sandoval TC. (2008). More use almost always a means a smaller frequency effect: Aging, bilingualism, and the weaker links hypothesis. J Mem Lang., 58(3), 787-814.
- Emmorey K, Borinstein HB, Thompson R, Gollan T. (2008). Bimodal bilingualism. Biling (Camb Engl)., 11(1), 43-61.
- Gollan TH, Fennema-Notestine C, Montoya RI, Jernigan TL (2007). The bilingual effect on Boston Naming Test performance. J Int Neuropsychol Soc.
- Gollan TH, Brown AS (2006). From tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) data to theoretical implications in two steps: when more TOTs means better retrieval. J Exp Psychol Gen.
- Gollan TH, Salmon DP, Paxton JL (2006). Word association in early Alzheimer's disease. Brain Lang.
- Thompson R, Emmorey K, Gollan TH (2005). "Tip of the fingers" experiences by deaf signers: insights into the organization of a sign-based lexicon. Psychol Sci.
- Gollan TH, Montoya RI, Fennema-Notestine C, Morris SK (2005). Bilingualism affects picture naming but not picture classification. Mem Cognit.
- Gollan TH, Montoya RI, Bonanni MP (2005). Proper names get stuck on bilingual and monolingual speakers' tip of the tongue equally often. Neuropsychology.
- Gollan TH, Acenas LA (2004). What is a TOT? Cognate and translation effects on tip-of-the-tongue states in Spanish-English and tagalog-English bilinguals. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn.
- Gollan TH, Montoya RI, Werner GA (2002). Semantic and letter fluency in Spanish-English bilinguals. Neuropsychology.
- Gollan TH, Frost R (2001). Two routes to grammatical gender: evidence from Hebrew. J Psycholinguist Res.